
Welcome to a Healing Perspective & Fuel for Inspiration!
"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Cautionary Tale

Hi Connie:

Well, there's good news and bad news regarding my favorite blue clogs.
I brought them to your shoe repair guy yesterday. I needed the small heels done and not the entire sole.
He said $8, including glueing the inner soles down. And I could pick them up today. 
Wow, I thought.

Marty came with me to pick them up. In the store the lighting isn't so great, apparently.
I put them on to wear out the store, putting my other shoes in the bag. 
We made a few stops before I was out on the street in natural light.
Then I looked down at my feet to admire my favorite blue clogs.

They weren't blue anymore. 
In the sunlight, I could see he shined them with black polish. I stopped in my tracks. 
Marty couldn't completely understand why I would be upset. 
After all, he thought, they were shiny, as opposed to being slightly scuffed blue.
"I don't get it, so they're black now". 

I had to tell him. 
I went online to find blue clogs last week. They hardly make them in blue anymore.
I wear them with my blue jeans. I already had 2 pairs of black.
I couldn't find blue at the local shoe store down the street either. 
It was at that point that I decided to just get the heels replaced.

I told Marty I was unhappy with his lack of consolation regarding my awareness that my clogs were now black.  He said, why not just get blue polish and do them over yourself. I said no. I was happy with the shade of blue they came in and buying a blue polish would not guarantee the right shade.

Why did this repair guy polish them black?
Was it because the lighting in the store is bad and he thought they were black or is it because he doesn't have blue polish? We never even discussed polishing them. 

I suppose at this point I must exercise acceptance. 
The universe wants me to have yet another pair of black clogs.

Anyway, we can laugh about this. I need to let it go.
This is just a cautionary tale. 
Check for good lighting in stores. 

How is your day?

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