
Welcome to a Healing Perspective & Fuel for Inspiration!
"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Are you offended?

Smiling sky

The dictionary defines offended as “to be
resentful or annoyed, typically, as a result of a perceived insult”.

I would add to that understanding of “being offended”.

To be offended is to be in your ego versus in your spirit. In an earlier blog post of mine from April 4th, 2013, entitled  "Spirit versus Ego" I addressed the difference between being in your spirit vs. ego. All drama, which includes being offended by another's comments, occurs when we are in our ego. That is because ego based thoughts are generally fear based. When we shift into spirit, we come from love, which includes understanding, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, and many other high energy states.

I generally like to write about what comes into my field of awareness. Recently this topic of being offended came in several times, nudging me to take a look at it. For me, as a writer, I go through a process of first observing and then writing it down as a way to make sense of it.

I was at a gathering of lady friends one night. When you put 10 females in a room, add liquor, and a lot of talking going on, there's bound to be a bit of drama. We represented 4 decades of ages..including 20 somethings, 30 somethings, 40 somethings, and 50 somethings.

Maybe an hour into the night, when we gals were all standing around chatting away, one of the gals said very loudly, “shut the f**k up Lynne”. This got everyone's attention & now it was focused on the gal who said it. I was not offended. I know that this gal is a friend of mine. I know that her utterance had very little to do with me. Everyone was chatting away having a good time, me included. I could see how someone in their ego might be offended by this utterance but that night, and at that moment, my spirit was in attendance. 

Could she have gotten everyone's attention a better way? I suppose.  But, I do know, that at the time of this utterance, it was no big deal to me. It could even be viewed as a bit humorous. Who talks to their friends that way, I mean really? It was forgotten by me as quickly as it was said. 

When only 4 of us were left, the host, me and 2 others, one of them brought it up. She delivered her opinion of that utterance directed towards me. Basically she thought I should be offended. After all, she said, it was rude. I know that what she meant was that if it were her on the receiving end of that utterance, she'd be offended. Then the other two chimed in by this time, agreeing with her that this was rude behavior and agreeing I should be offended. They all agreed that they care about me & this was why they were offering their opinion.

I let them know I was not offended. I cannot control other people's behavior. I can however be empowered in my response. I do know that being offended is a waste of my time. I don't think I successfully explained to them that night why I was not in the least offended. In writing this post, I went to my collection of books & found the following:

In Wayne Dyer's book, Ten Secrets for Success & Inner Peace, he has a chapter entitled “There Are No justified Resentments”. “I have a right to be angry, hurt, depressed, sad, or resentful”. This can be heard any day from anyone. “Anytime you're filled with resentment, you're turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate. When you live at or below ordinary levels of awareness, you spend a great deal of time and energy finding opportunities to be offended. Not being offended is a way of saying, I have control over how I'm going to feel, and I choose to feel peaceful regardless of what I observe going on. When you feel offended, you're practicing judgement”.

(I found out days later that this was a line from a movie called The Big Lebowski, the original line being "Shut the f**K up Donny"). 

Thank you Wayne Dyer.
I recommend checking out his book “Ten Secrets for Success & Inner Peace” if this topic resonated with you.
And once again, many thanks to you the reader, for visiting SpiralHappy. Love & Light!


  1. Lynne good for you. And as the friend that said "shut the f up" i can assure you it was joke from a line of the movie Big Lebowski which we were discussing previous. It was meant to be funny and we laughed. I , like you, never thought about it again until it was brought up to me. Those that looked at it and would have been offended that is their energy to live with...again all energy levels are a choice.

    Peace and love...always :)

  2. Even if she had actually told you to shut the fuck up you still would not have been offended. Right?

  3. The message in this post is so great about being offended and how that hurts ME, rather then THEM. I would ask a few questions after reading this, because we can get to a more loving and compassionate level for other human beings when we ask deeper questions about ourselves and others in a non-judgmental way. For example: why wouldn't any of the women in the room ask the person who said shut the fuck up what she meant? Seems like that would be an awkward comment for someone to just Blurt out loudly without any meaning to it? Rather, they waited for her to leave to convince (it seems by your post) you that you should be offended? It's great that you did not "give in" for lack of a better term to what the remaining 3 or 4 women in the room were trying to do-but if you were not understanding that it was from a movie quote, wouldn't you say, hey what the heck are you talking about? It seems that nobody understood the "joke" so why wasn't anyone asking about it? It seems when you say, I cannot control anyone's behavior, that you took it to be a negative comment too and asking a simple question may have cleared up any ambiguity? These are rhetorical btw Lynne- enjoyed reading your post and appreciate people on a journey for spiritual enlightenment, that's my journey as well. peace Claire

  4. Thank you so much for leaving a comment Claire. I appreciate your doing so. Though cited as rhetorical, I like the challenge of trying to respond.

    I can only speak for myself & what went through my mind at the time of the utterance. Not being offended in the moment and assuming it was just a way of getting everyone's attention as we stood around drinking & talking, I gave it no further thought. Have any of us attended a cocktail party of drinking & chatting away and someone wants the floor. That was my take on it.

    I hope that addresses your question as to why I didn't pursue the matter at the time of utterance. Had I been offended that would have been another matter. I learned some time later that this was a line from a movie I had yet to watch (actually she was going to lend me her copy if she could find it) as of that night and that her intention of this utterance was humor. I composed the blog post before I knew about the movie quote & added the part about learning it was a quote as a single edit after publishing the post.

    I can put myself in her place now knowing that no one got the joke… ouch. It's not easy when we find out we were misunderstood. I can also see in hindsight how since no one else in the room that night was aware of this line being from a movie, from their perspective, telling one of us using the f word to shut up would come across as a bit harsh. I never underestimate the power of putting oneself in another's shoes.

    There are so many levels of awareness going on at any given time. My intention in sharing this story is to cast a light on the idea of empowering ourselves so as not to be offended, no matter the circumstances. That is why I put in the part about not being able to control other people's behavior, including speech. Miscommunications take place every day in people's lives. People say and or do stuff all the time that can lead to being offended. If we get offended, perhaps this is a reminder to all of us, ask questions. We learn by being open to a new perspective. We learn in so many ways. We are all works in progress. Love & Light to All!
