
Welcome to a Healing Perspective & Fuel for Inspiration!
"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Friday, April 19, 2013

What is Kindness?

Waves of Kindness.org

What is kindness?

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates loveLao Tzu

I was recently having a conversation with a friend when the subject turned to kindness. I asked him what the difference was between LOVE and KINDNESS. “Love is present in all of us, whether we choose to open our hearts or not. Kindness is love expressed”. Jim Reyes, creator of Waves Of Kindness. http://wavesofkindness.org

I would agree. We all are born with a heart and a chakra energy center for that love to come in and go out. It is up to us to allow that energy to flow freely. Sometimes we have an early life experience we do not understand and that heart chakra gets stuck or closed up and the energy cannot flow freely. Our spirit wants to express the love yet sometimes our minds are in control and we do not share our love, and we are not kind. Love expressed, aka kindness, is what we need to give ourselves first. It is after that we can share our love with others and be kind. When we are kind we are raising our own vibration. It is then when we are in a position to attract much greater good into our lives. This makes me think of the old adage, “when we give, we receive”. Anonymous

I am grateful when I witness the kindness from others to those they do not know. When we are kind without any thought of what we get back, we are truly generous.

To be kind to ourselves, and to others, feels good. When we feel good, we can experience joy. Joy comes from Old French joie, based on Latin gaudium, from gaudere ‘rejoice.’

Let us rejoice daily and renew our spirit. Be kind.

I am kind.

I am.

Love, Light, & Kindness!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What is LUCK?

From engineer to artist : LOVE

What is Luck?

Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves”. Larry King

The dictionary defines luck “as success or failure apparently brought by chance (something by accident or without design) rather than through one's own actions”.

Could it be that good luck is really the manifestation of the presence of God in our life? Could it be that a belief in God's presence in our lives is actually the part in the above definition that correlates to “through one's own actions". I can choose to believe that God has a presence in my life and every so often reminds me of that in not so subtle ways or I can choose to not believe in God's presence and take what happens as mere chance.

Take for example when I was working in live radio broadcasting as an engineer several decades ago. I was at the drinking fountain late one night when an older gentleman stopped to chat with me. He was from the film department. Once I mentioned I worked in Radio he offered up his opinion. Television is where it's at. IT's the future. His film department was being closed down due to advances in technology. The idea of a move was planted in my mind in that conversation. Was that part of God's plan for me?

A short time after, a vacation relief request went out internally to find people who would want to cover those TV broadcast engineering employees on vacation. The job would last just six months. Though I had no direct experience as a TV engineer I knew my radio background could translate into audio engineering in TV. I did come equipped with a First Class FCC Broadcast License credential. Back in those days they were willing to train on their dime. I went for it. Apparently so did a lot of other people too. Many of us were hired to be vacation relief and knew this was a 6 month gig at best. I said Goodbye Radio. Hello Television.

I met the Boss, a woman, and she was one tough bit*h. At least that's how she came across to me. I was scared of her.
I worked hard to be a good engineer. As the time drew nearer to the six months coming to an end, I thought to myself, I like Television. I did not want to go back to Radio. The coffee was better in TV than in Radio but seriously I wanted to stay. It was around this time that it occurred to me that I would approach the Boss and tell her I did not want to go back to Radio. I took the attitude that she's not a mind reader and I should let her know what I wanted. I wondered if anyone else thought to march into her office and declare what I did. I had the sense that no one did. Why state the obvious some might think. Who would want to go back to Radio after being in Television?

It was also around this time that my father owned a women's clothing store in the downtown area of our big city. He loved to chat it up with his customers. One day a woman walked in to his store. She was looking for a new wardrobe at discount prices. He carried designer brands at a lower price than department stores. He asked her where she worked. She answered. My daughter works there, he replies. You don't say, what's her name? He tells her. She replies, I know who she is, she works in my department. I am her boss. As a matter of fact, she just came to see me the other day. So I ask, what are the chances that of all the clothing stores in this huge mega city, she'd walk into my Dad's store?

My father, wanting to be of help, took the opportunity to give her some extra discounts. She appreciated the savings. He thought she was very nice.

When it came time to find out who was being retained past the six months, word got out that due to budgeting, many could not be asked to stay on. There were 20 of us doing the vacation relief. Those who were not retained would go back to their old positions. I found out that only 2 of us would make the cut. I was one of them.

Luck or God's presence (from Latin: praesentia 'being at hand')  in my life?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Was it Hawaii or was it just me?


Maybe stories are just data with a soul”. Brene Brown

     I was in my early 30s when I had the opportunity to travel to Hawaii for the very first time. The year before I had treated myself to a 2 week vacation in Tahiti. I met a gal on that trip whom I quickly befriended in the sec0nd week. She lived in northern California, I in New York. After the trip we kept in touch through writing letters. When she wrote me that she booked herself into a motel in Maui for 2 weeks I got the brilliant idea that I could ask her if she wanted company. Though she was married she explained her husband did not like going on vacations. That seemed strange to me but I accepted that for the truth. I sent her a check for my half of the cost of the motel for two weeks since she had already paid for it. Did I mention that the trip included a rental car for the two weeks? She would be the designated driver since I had not driven a car in years. Did I mention I lived in Manhattan where you didn't need to have a car? I flew to San Francisco where we met in the airport and together flew on to Hawaii. Once we settled in to our motel that first day, we then drove a mile down the road to an outdoor fruit stand. Before we could buy some fruit for the next day's breakfast, a man came up to us holding a crate of papayas. He handed them to us as he said Aloha! We were taken by surprise. We asked him how much for the fruit. He said, no charge. This is the Aloha spirit welcoming you to Hawaii. It would appear that we were in for a great 2 weeks on this most beautiful island.

     The first week went okay for the most part. It wasn't until the very end of the first week that we started to not get along. I had met a cute guy while waiting for her outside a convenience store. He drove up on his motorcycle. We chatted & he asked for my number when it was time for me to leave. In those days no one had cel phones so I told him where I was staying & he could reach me through switchboard. In the time we chatted outside the store I found out he lived on Maui and had the day off. All I knew was that he had a great tan, long hair in a ponytail, drove a motorcycle and owned a sports car, and seemed to like me.

     It never occurred to me that she was jealous. Within a day or two of my meeting him, she and I fought. She told me I was no longer allowed in the car that I helped pay for. It was okay with me because by now he was picking me up. Once he heard how horrible she was to be around, he offered to show me around Maui. I had the best few days with him and then he needed to drop me off for a few days but promised to be in touch when his work was done. Buses to the beach now became my mode of transportation. She and I would individually return to the motel room at night to sleep. The tension was in the air. We did very little talking.

    On my second to last morning, with the papayas all eaten up, I decided to go to the motel restaurant for breakfast. I had never stepped foot in there until then. I sat down at a table by myself. I noticed a woman looking at me from another table. She was old and very pale. She waved to me to come over. I did and she invited me to join her at her table as she was alone too. I noticed there was a book on the table. We chatted a bit. In conversation she mentioned her room number. At The time I didn't give that piece of information a second thought. I did notice that when I told of my troubles with this gal roommate, she would open the book to a page and read from it. She was the Bible lady, as I don't remember her name. Having been brought up Jewish and not particularly religious, I was not familiar with the Bible or the psalms. I just smiled, ate my breakfast, and said goodbye.

    I then took the bus once again to the beach. I had a lovely day though I thought it strange I never heard from my guy again. It's always strange when you have a great time with someone and then never hear from them. I was tired at the end of my last full day in Maui so I returned to the motel. I put my room key in the lock and opened the door. In front of me was standing a strange guy in his underwear. He was as shocked as I was. I asked him what he was doing in my room. He said it was his room. He had just checked in that afternoon.

     It turned out she checked out a day early and was refunded the cash for the last day. She walked away with my half of that cash.
I needed a shower. Then I remembered the old lady and her room number. I knocked on her door and she answered. I told her what happened and she invited me in. I showered and got my belongings from housekeeping. It was a bit shocking to see my clothes not in the suitcase I came with but in large trash bags. Fortunately my return ticket and my suitcase were all in the bags. I used her room phone to call another friend I had made there in my second week. He came in his car and picked me up and I thanked the Bible lady for her help.

   I knew that I had experienced something special in meeting her, the Bible lady, the way I did. Hawaii was this very magical place where special things happened. I was giving all the credit to the place, Hawaii, not necessarily at the time considering that I could have been anywhere in distress and had the experience. The experience I had was that a higher power, God, was/is looking out for me.
In hindsight, it was like I needed to meet all the people along the way that I met in Maui, including the roommate, to help me realize I am not alone. None of us are. We have a connection to our Source and sometimes we lose sight of that or don't even know it at all. Hawaii was a gift. Though it was fraught with some crazy stuff, I survived the trip.

Update: I never saw the Bible lady again. I did get a postcard nine months after I returned from Hawaii from my guy. He sent me a beautiful picture postcard apologizing for not being able to contact me until now. As he told it, right after he dropped me off & went into the fields to check on his plants, he got arrested for growing marijuana. He was in jail for 9 months. When he got out, he wrote me. We never spoke or saw each other again.

I made another trip to Hawaii some years later. This time I went with someone I knew way better. My sister. We had a great time on the Big island.

I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had to travel and learn about other cultures. Sometimes we travel far just to be nudged to look within.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ― Marcel Proust

Saturday, April 6, 2013

What are your gifts?

 combining nature & art to become a candle holder

What are your gifts?

If you ever wonder what your purpose is in this life consider your gifts. Your gifts lead to your purpose. Some people know early on in life what their gifts are. They are the lucky ones. The rest of us go through life trying to figure that one out.

WE are born with gifts. Some of our gifts become more apparent over time and through our interactions. There are so many possible gifts any one of us may have I love to name the ones that come into my mind quickly. Gifts include the gift of listening, the gift of humor, the gift of storytelling, the gift of making music, the gift of movement, the gift of language, the gift of teaching, the gift of asking questions, the gift of optimism, the gift of observation, the gift of independent thinking, the gift of patience, the gift of focus, the gift of leadership, the gift of curiosity, the gift of being open minded, the gift of a green thumb, the gift of design, the gift of service, the gift of art, the gift of connecting the dots, well the list goes on and on as to our gifts. There are those gifts we can only discover with age. The gift of aging gracefully.

Our gifts are our passion and passion leads to purpose. Purpose gives life meaning. If we are blessed to use our gifts as a way to earn a living, wow, there's gratitude.

So when you ask, what am I to be when I grow up?, ask yourself to name your gifts and the answer will come.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spirit versus Ego

Spend time in Nature

Spirit vs Ego

We “spiritual beings having a human experience” are continually living from either our spirit or our ego at any given time. I would venture to say that when I am coming from spirit, I feel good. I also recognize that when I feel bad, if I check within, I discover I am coming from ego. To elaborate with an example would look like this. I am starting to worry that my partner is wasting time and money on something. That does not feel good to me. That's my clue that I am in the ego. I allow my spirit in at that point & I remember that worry is a waste of energy. I am not in the business of worrying, which is just a projection of a fear, which is an acronym for “False Expectations Appearing Real” (Ernest Chu, Soul Currency). I go back to my original affirmation to center myself once more. I say out loud, “ The Universe & God support me daily & I trust in the direction I am led”. Anytime I feel I am in my ego, I can say this affirmation as a way to connect with my spirit once again. Where'd the worry go? It no longer has a hold on me. Those thoughts, which are not reality, do not take my power away from me. I go back to centering myself to have faith in God that there are lessons to be learned and if something happens, it is meant to happen. Why fight the current?

There is a dance that goes on in our mind and body whereby we can choose to shift away from ego and into spirit. It's a choice we have. Think of Spirit as LOVE and Ego as FEAR. If you are having a bad day, stop and ask who is in control today. Is it ego or spirit?

I like what Deepak Chopra has to say in his book THE SEVEN SPIRITUAL LAWS of SUCCESS as it relates to this particular blog post on coming from spirit(love) vs coming from (ego)fear. “The experience of the Self, or “self-referral” means that our internal reference point is our own spirit, and not the objects of our experience. The opposite of self-referral is object-referral. In object-referral we are always influenced by objects outside the Self, which includes situations, circumstances, people, and things. In object-referral we are constantly seeking the approval of others. Our thinking and our behavior are always in anticipation of a response. It is therefore fear-based. In object-referral we also feel an intense need to control things. We feel an intense need for external power. The need for approval, the need to control things, and the need for external power are needs that are based on fear. This kind of power is not the power of the Self , or real power. When we experience the power of the Self, there is an absence of fear, there is no compulsion to control, and no struggle for approval or external power.

In object-referral, your internal reference point is your ego. The ego, however, is not who you really are. The ego is your self image, it is your social mask, it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants to control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear.

Your true Self, which is your spirit, your soul, is completely free of those things. It is immune to criticism, it is not afraid of any challenge, And it feels beneath no one. And yet, it humbles and feels superior to no one, because it recognizes that everyone else is the same Self, the same spirit in different disguises. “

To paraphrase, with self-referral, self empowerment follows. With self empowerment, you magnetize people, situations, and circumstances to support your desires. Law of Attraction is another way to express this.

It is also the Law of Synchronicity. Meaningful coincidences show up in our lives when we come from spirit. I am grateful each day for the gift of awareness to know spirit from ego.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What about religion?

A family of turtles

What about Religion?

Our parent's religion most often determines our first exposure to a given religion. There are those who would say we choose our parents before we incarnate into this material plane.

It is interesting to me that many people accept the religion of their parents as their own without question. As children there is much we do not know yet about the world's history. I can only imagine that most parents assume their children will embrace the same religion they follow. Perhaps a few out there say to their kids, ..”research all the religions of the world, and pick the one that resonates with you the most”. Ha, wouldn't that be special. I did not have that said to me growing up. I am also not a parent so I cannot tell you I did that. But it would seem to me a very courageous thing to say to one's kids.

The poet Kahlil Gibran has written this about children, “you can house their bodies, but not their souls”.
Gibran's best-known work is The Prophet, a book composed of twenty-six poetic essays. Its popularity grew markedly during the 1960s with the American counterculture and then with the flowering of the New Age movements. It has remained popular with these and with the wider population to this day. Since it was first published in 1923, The Prophet has never been out of print. Having been translated into more than forty languages, it was one of the bestselling books of the twentieth century in the United States.

I was born into a Jewish family. I know for me that something did not feel right when I was exposed to religion in my own home. One of my darkest memories was an exposure to the separation of people. You are not of my faith became a type of unspoken declaration in the home where I grew up. Where was the love for all fellow human beings? I knew something didn't feel right to me when I went to public school with kids of all denominations, and yet there was an unspoken rule you did not invite them to your house. Did my father have any friends that were of different religions? Not that I could see. So I suppose as kids we choose to do one of two things. Embrace our parent's view of friendship which for me meant excluding people from my life or rejecting that closed minded view and embracing people on their own merit, not using their different religion as a reason for rejection.

As a result of my awareness that organized religion, as far as I could see, separated people from one another, I rejected religion altogether. The hypocrisy of it was glaring. Is there a religion on this planet that is not organized?

I learned from Wayne Dyer that often some of the most influential people in our lives are the last we would think of initially. He never met his biological father while the man was alive. It was not until after he was dead and buried in a pauper's grave did Wayne “meet” his father. He always knew that his dad abandoned the family days after Wayne's birth. So years later, how is it possible that Wayne Dyer named this man, his father, the most influential person in his life. His answer was simple. As he explains it, Wayne learned one of the greatest lessons on earth. He learned how to be self reliant, self sufficient as a result of his dad's abandonment of the family. It was not until I read this story in one of Wayne Dyer's books that I too could name my dad as the most influential person in my life. Often its the most challenging relationship we have that causes us to go down a certain path for our own growth.

In hindsight I would say that as a result of my disappointment over organized religion I began a quest for more spiritual exposure. I have always loved reading books and this was one way I could learn about the “metaphysical world”. It got me thinking early on, what if reincarnation does exist? How do I explain all those meaningful coincidences, aka synchronicity, I felt over the course of my life. Curiosity has served me well over the years.

Back in the late '90s I had a horoscope done by a lady who specialized in Past LIVES. Years earlier I had my birth chart done. For those who don't know, this is a chart of the sky, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth. The word horoscope comes from the greek word horoskopos, hora for “time” and skopos for “observer”.

In the introduction of the past lives report I was handed, it said, ...”for many people, the idea that we have lived before (and will again) makes sense”. It is one possible explanation for deja vu (this feels familiar). The report goes on to explain that (1) an examination of Saturn and the Moon's Nodes (considered “karmic” factors by most astrologers) in regard to major life lessons & ingrained psychological patterns (2) an explanation of enduring issues signified by stellia and other repeated themes in the chart (3) a discussion of planets in and ruling the 4t, 8th, and 12th houses of the zodiac (considered keys to one's past lives) (4) a look at potential karmic debts and gifts signified by aspects, intercepted, and retrograde planets (5) a discussion of likely past life relationships to current people in our lives (Moon for mother, Sun for father, etc).

The report I received is 13 pages long. I cannot possibly share all that it contains. I will say that as I have re-read it over the years a lot of it resonates with me. One in particular I will include.
It's from a section called Karmic Gifts.

With Uranus in Cancer (retrograde), you and some of your peers were active in times when attitudes toward family were shifting. When one set of roles was melting away, you helped to provide something new to take its place. Your ability to take a broad view of family helped you and your peers to transform definitions of domestic units. Your expanded transpersonal perspective will be particularly valuable in our swiftly changing world. Your past experiences increased your ability to see family within a humanitarian perspective. You incarnated to help people learn that the Earth is one family; that our interconnections are much more vital than our differences.”

If any discussion of past lives, religion, spirituality, and synchronicity resonates with you, I invite your comments.
Thank you for visiting my blog.