
Welcome to a Healing Perspective & Fuel for Inspiration!
"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Why the Spiral?

I am not sure when it was I first started drawing spirals but when I did it always felt good and made me happy. I started noticing spirals all around me. It got me wondering. I wanted to know what the spiral design meant. I started asking around. I was in an Asian store one time and the lady who worked there said it was a Buddhist symbol. I went online and researched Buddhist symbols but I did not find it there. I continued to wonder about the spiral. Then I stumbled upon an author who wrote a book called THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLS. In this book, David Fontana explains, "The ancients believed that energy, physical and spiritual, flowed in spiral form. The spiral represents both solar and lunar, masculine and feminine energies ".
I believe the spiral has an added component. It all depends upon one's perspective. When you look at a spiral, your eye can follow the circular line going from inside out or outside in. Perhaps the spiral resonates for me for that very reason. It is a representation of the idea that reality is often determined by one's perspective. There is no right answer. Just like when asked if the glass is half full or half empty. It's always a matter of perception.
When I was very young I would ask my mother this question: Is today tomorrow's yesterday or is today yesterday's tomorrow? Of course there is no right answer and I was given none. Now I realize I was asking the same question just with different phrasing. It's all up to perspective.

1 comment:

  1. And with me, it was a circle. About 5 years ago I started noticing circles around me. I saw them in abandoned hair bands on the ground, (how can people lose so many of them?), and/or some kind of rubber gasket or something, also on the ground, mostly. I also saw them in nature occasionally. Sometimes I would see 2 or 3 in one day. I looked at it as a sign that I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Then when I saw them broken, I took that as a sign that I need to change course in some area. If I am recalling correctly, I believe the circle, or ring symbolizes togetherness - which makes sense; however some more research about the circle is in order. I WILL get around to doing that research some day soon.
