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"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Random Thoughts

Renoir's  Still Life : Flowers

I started keeping a journal at the age of 19. Back then we didn't have the technology for blogging. Either we typed or we hand wrote to document life. I chose to write in a blank book and in that choice, I chose to add a bit of my own art. Handwriting is in itself an art form. Now we have hundreds of fonts to choose from when we want to add our artistry. This font is Nanum Brush Script.

It was August of that year when at the age of 26, I entitled my new journal “Random Thoughts”. I gave each new blank book a title. I did not know it at the time but journaling would become a very special part of my life. When we can fill up a blank page with our thoughts, we can capture ourselves in that fleeting moment, much like a photograph does. Then time passes and one day we have a way to view where we were at, what we were thinking, and embrace ourselves for the person we were and who we have become.

I share a piece of that past now from “Random Thoughts”.
It covers one month, the month of August, in my 26th year of life.

Saturday, August 9 9:34 p.m.
I miss someone I don't even know yet.
Saturday, August 16 7:24 p.m.
Walking up University Place I thought about its been long enough since I've felt the energy for fully living.It's within my power to make a change
Wednesday, August 2o 9:46 a.m.
You have to practice health, to be healthy.
Reading “I'm Dancing AS Fast As I Can” by Barbara Gordon.“We were intimate strangers”.
Today is Mom's birthday.
Thursday august 21 9:42 p.m.
Ten years ago today 42 people were killed by storm “Dorothy” in Martinique.
Finished book by Barbara G. “ Every time you took a valium you opted for deadness, and now you must allow yourself to feel, feel everything- anger,love, sadness”.

it's not a question of good friends, of bad friends. It's a question of cleaning up your relationships”.

Met a guy on the bus home who works as a copy writer in the Time Life building.
Friday August 22 11:48 p.m.
Went to the outdoor restaurant at the Citicorp building by myself for lunch. Ended up talking to 2 h.s. Students from Brooklyn, interested in journalism & Columbia University. Good day overall.
Signed up for a course in calligraphy.
Saturday August 23 2:35 p.m.
Off to the Guggenheim Museum via Madison Uptown bus. 89th street & Fifth Ave. Standing in line met a girl named Marilyn, an artist of sorts. Standing in front of a Renoir painting:A Still Life called Flowers. 1885. Began thinking that before me is a work of art that a person took the time to paint, to pay attention to details. That every stroke of his brush represents his effort, to create something out of a blank canvas. As these words written fill up this blank space.
Sunday August 24th 10:58 p.m.
Every so often I become still. Time moves on but its irrelevant to the moment. to the stillness. And what do I feel in the stillness? Is it a good calming feeling or is it one of pain & loneliness? A void... an unfulfilled sense of being & having a special person. The artist often creates out of this pain. Whatever feeling I may have is nothing others haven't experienced. My pain is not unique to the human condition. Life never remains at a constant. One must cope with whatever plight befalls them. I am not alone in this feeling that there is more to life. I lean on no one.
Monday August 25th 8:58 p.m.
Found this quote amongst my things. “unless it grows out of yourself, no knowledge is really of value to you, a borrowed plumage never grows.”
Began reading a novel by Barbara Taylor Bradford “A Woman of Substance”.
Wednesday August 27 11:35 a.m.
Standing in the middle of the Picasso exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art on this day- inspired this thought.. what amongst your possessions do you most value? Answer: my journals, my photographs, camera, letters &cards from others, all art, things created out of nothing. Art is the ultimate escape.

Met a girl from Toronto & then a woman from Detroit who especially came to NY for the Picasso exhibit.The museum holds a capacity of 10,000. I think today more than that will pass through. Its Member's ONLY day, & Marilyn got me a ticket. From the museum on 53rd St & Fifth, I walked to The Comic Strip on 81st & 2nd. It was a private party promoting a new book called Spare Ribs by 2 ladies, interviewing women in all walks of life.I had a good time. From there I crosstowned by bus to Lincoln Center area. Saw Neal's apartment at 2 Lincoln Square. Ate dinner at The Saloon &then down to Media Sound Recording Studios to see Emily working on her single. I enjoyed that. It was one of those days one is happy to live in New York City. Needless to say- calling in to work sick was a great idea. I needed such a day.
Friday August 29th
As the end of the month draws close, the end of the summer, the end of long days-been noticing it gets dark around 8 in the evening. Still hot & humid weather though. I like the Fall. It represents change-newness, vitality.
Sunday August 31 3:22 p.m.
Emily called.Said the sun was out-why not go up to the roof... so it was our farewell goodbye to the summer season and the roof til next year.

In closing out this blog post, I just want to say that for me writing has always been cathartic, “ providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions; causing catharsis.( Late Latin: kathartikos, & from Greek: katharsis ‘cleansing’   ....and so it goes.
I have posted only the month of August from Random Thoughts. The journal covers 6 months ending in January of my 27th year. Perhaps more later.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Love to you!

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