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"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Friday, April 19, 2013

What is Kindness?

Waves of Kindness.org

What is kindness?

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates loveLao Tzu

I was recently having a conversation with a friend when the subject turned to kindness. I asked him what the difference was between LOVE and KINDNESS. “Love is present in all of us, whether we choose to open our hearts or not. Kindness is love expressed”. Jim Reyes, creator of Waves Of Kindness. http://wavesofkindness.org

I would agree. We all are born with a heart and a chakra energy center for that love to come in and go out. It is up to us to allow that energy to flow freely. Sometimes we have an early life experience we do not understand and that heart chakra gets stuck or closed up and the energy cannot flow freely. Our spirit wants to express the love yet sometimes our minds are in control and we do not share our love, and we are not kind. Love expressed, aka kindness, is what we need to give ourselves first. It is after that we can share our love with others and be kind. When we are kind we are raising our own vibration. It is then when we are in a position to attract much greater good into our lives. This makes me think of the old adage, “when we give, we receive”. Anonymous

I am grateful when I witness the kindness from others to those they do not know. When we are kind without any thought of what we get back, we are truly generous.

To be kind to ourselves, and to others, feels good. When we feel good, we can experience joy. Joy comes from Old French joie, based on Latin gaudium, from gaudere ‘rejoice.’

Let us rejoice daily and renew our spirit. Be kind.

I am kind.

I am.

Love, Light, & Kindness!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Lynne! Kindness - an expression of love. I like that!!!
