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"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Head vs Heart

What exists below the surface is way more than above the surface

Head vs Heart
Fear is the opposite of love, simply because fear contracts and love expands. The only way to be truly open is to silence the mind and open the heart. If humanity is to survive, this is the change that needs to happen!
When the heart is open, there are no fixed ideas, just peace, love, expansion and unlimited possibilities. Choosing to live in terror, fear, lack and limitations always means that you are living in mind, and mind only exists in two places – past and future. It simply cannot exist in the present. This is why every enlightened being agree on one thing – you have to bring your energy to the NOW, this moment, here and now. Why? Because when you are in the present, the mind is silenced and your heart is expanded, and this is the only state where you have the ability to hear your inner guidance and re-connect with the source within.
Living in the future instead of here and now, means living in “ifs,” and in doing so, you are not only limiting yourself, you are also attracting the future that you fear! If you want a positive future for humanity, this is not the way. We have to learn to silence the mind and live in the now before we can become co-creators of a future with a positive outcome.” excerpt from www.akashicsoulreading.com
DH Lawrence, poet & author, wrote on loneliness.
" I never know what people mean when they complain of loneliness. To be alone is one of life's greatest delights, thinking one's own thoughts, doing one's own little jobs, seeing the world beyond and feeling oneself uninterrupted in the rooted connection within the centre of all things."

As I reflect upon Lawrence's words, it occurs to me that he was talking about two different states of energy. The energy of loneliness is felt as a result of feeling isolated. Isolation can be a result of being disconnected from your higher self, your spiritual self which then leads to a disconnect involving other people. I have read that we humans are wired for needing connection. Just like a plant that wilts from lack of water, we humans feel a void when we lack connection.

I can remember times in my past when I felt unbearable loneliness. To feel lonely is a hard place to live. It felt somewhat like a disease, one I would not wish on anyone. Back then I did not have an understanding of what was behind this feeling of loneliness. I did not know it was a symptom of a larger issue.

In my opinion, to feel lonely is what happens as a result of a disconnect from within. We are mind, body, and spirit and all three need attention. When we neglect any part of the trio we are headed for a disconnect. Often of the three, it is our spirit that is starved. We live in such a material world where we look to externals for happiness. We need to return to knowing that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around. I honor my spirit by lending an ear to my higher self.

To be alone (to enjoy solitude) is a state in which we allow an energy of connection to occur. I cherish the benefits of solitude. I know how important it is to have a balance of solitude and the company of others. It is often in my solitude I get inspiration. It is in my solitude I sit still and connect with the divine within. Just as I would lend an ear to a friend who needed to be heard, I lend an ear to my higher self during quiet moments when I choose to be still without distraction. To pray is to talk to God and to meditate is to listen. We need to do both.

When we choose to switch from the head to the heart, we expand and raise our vibration so that we see life from another perspective.

I am never lonely now. I choose at times to be alone. With so many distractions in life, I have to go out of my way to create stillness. It is a choice we all make.

If someone were to tell me they felt lonely, I would suggest they find someone or something to be of service to. When you shift the focus off yourself and onto helping another, you are giving yourself a gift. I love being of service and I know the joy that comes from that. We all have a choice to choose joy & gratitude over fear & loneliness. It starts with an intention.