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"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Practicing What I Preach on a Daily Basis

Hand Carved Pumpkins by Four Unique Individuals

I am a firm believer in paying attention to who and what shows up in our daily life. If I am meeting a new person and they talk about a book they are reading they absolutely love, I consider the possibility I am meant to be aware of this title for current or future reading. I take notes. If plans with someone don’t materialize I go with the flow. I consider that I was not meant to spend that day with them. Our ability to apply the spiritual laws or lessons to our daily lives grows over time if we are on that path of self-awareness.

It’s so much nicer not to be in a state of mental suffering in our daily lives. When a friend shares with me a situation in which they are having trouble letting go of that, I suggest what has been suggested to me. Change the dialogue. Yes, we all have a voice inside our head. Our thoughts are constantly flowing in our heads and that is why I believe we benefit from meditating. Just like anything else, it’s a skill we practice. It’s also a gift we give ourselves. Just living is stressful enough so allowing ourselves to sit quietly with no distraction for 30 minutes or more can be very healing. We possess the ability to heal ourselves but we need to be connected within. Wayne Dyer has a wonderful way of explaining the connection we all have by virtue of being born into this world. The POWER OF INTENTION was a book he wrote while applying the spiritual laws that were coming into his awareness. The book he admits, wrote itself.
What unrealized gift may you be holding within that you can release as a result of practicing connecting within. You choose the way but the end result is a sense of well being and joy.

Recommended Reading:
Hot Chocolate For The Mystical Soul
By Arielle Ford
101 True Stories of Angels, Miracles, and Healings

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