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"I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday, as I inspire those around me to do the same!" Gay Hendricks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why the COLOR blue?


WHY The Color BLUE?

When asked my favorite color, I have to say the color blue. If asked the shade, I have to say aqua. Give me a choice of items to pick from, and if it comes in aqua blue, then that is the one I am drawn to first.
So I started thinking about why blue?
To start with, it makes me feel good. Then I started asking, why does it make me feel good. That’s when I turned to learning more about COLOR.

 Like everything else in the universe, color has a vibrational frequency. Color is a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. We have 7 chakras or energy centers in the body.
The color Red is associated with the first chakra , Root Base of the Spine. The color Orange is associated with the second chakra , just below the naval. The color Yellow is associated with the third chakra or the Solar Plexus, the area below the breastbone. The color Green is associated with the fourth chakra, center of the chest. The color Blue is the fifth chakra, the throat. The color Indigo is associated with the sixth chakra , the third eye, between the eyebrows. The color White (or Violet) is associated with the seventh chakra, the top of the head or crown.
As you start with RED and work up to White (or Violet) in the color spectrum, the vibrational frequency increases.

The history of Color Healing has its roots in ancient Egypt. Of course back then no one knew on a scientific level that what makes RED different from VIOLET is the frequency of vibrations per second. To put this into perspective, Red has a frequency of around 430 trillion vibrations a second. Yes, trillions. Violet has a much higher frequency of vibrations per second. Each color, with it’s specific vibrational frequency, has a healing modality component. Today we call this “Vibrational Medicine”. It incorporates the use of chi energies within living organisms, such as plants, gemstones, crystals, water, sunlight, and sound.

Blue, associated with the throat area, relates to Creativity & Self-Expression.
It stands for “I SPEAK’.
In honor of “ The King’s Speech” winning the Oscar for BEST PICTURE 2011”,
 I am celebrating having a voice too.  And it feels good.

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